As I move into four score of life lived, I find myself with more ideas than ever…this blog is to share some of my musings about various things–from West Texas roads to folks in Algeria to my neighbors next door.

Mostly I’ll be talking about Texas and Texans, my culture bumps, interesting people, the thrill of learning Chinese and the soul-satisfaction of playing the 100 year old piano in the living room. And I’m pretty sure I’ll have something to say about the cats in my life too. These felines answer (or not) to the names of Luci and Fiona or the amazing sleeper cat – Cheetah. Oh, and I answer to the name of Carol Mae Archer. You can learn more about me by clicking here.

Now you might wonder where the name for this blog came from – it is from the last line in a poem I wrote a couple of years ago that was published in the Cenizo Journal.

Driving in West Texas

The motor hums

   as white fluffy clouds grip the edge of the windshield

   and pull the car along the asphalt ribboned road…

While long-legged field rows run alongside

     only to dive into ragged fields of mesquite

       and sticky grass

                clutched in cliché rocks.

Singing going to Balmorhea       going to Balmorhea…


humming beside the ditch of water running past the scary deep pool

and climbing up round and round red rocks thrust through

    eons of crust

to a time in recent past when lives were whispered in

        West Texas winds.

Carol Mae Archer 2014 Third Quarter. Cenizo Journal

So thank you for taking the time to visit!